About Us


  • Laerskool Derdepoort se primêre doel is die verskaffing van voortreflike en kwaliteitsonderwys aan ons gemeenskap.
  • Ons strewe is om normvaste Christelike lewenswaardes by leerlinge te kweek wat as basis dien vir hul verdere ontwikkeling, sodat die kulturele etos ook uitgebou word.
  • Ons poog ook om deur middel van kultuur- en sportontwikkeling tot die vorming van elke leerling by te dra.
  • Ons gee erkenning aan individuele sowel as groepsprestasies.
  • Persoonlike vorming en selfstandige optrede is ‘n integrale deel van ons onderwysopdrag.
  • Die skool is ‘n effektiewe organisasie wat deur middel van sterk leierskap en die verbondenheid van onderwysers, leerlinge en ouers ‘n rigtinggewende rol in die gemeenskap vervul


  • Laerskool Derdepoort is `n bekende en toonaangewende skool wat `n besondere aansien in onderwyskringe en die breë gemeenskap geniet.  Hoë onderwysstandaarde en kwaliteit onderrig vorm die basis van ons sukses.  `n Gesonde balans word tussen onderrig, sport en kultuur gehandhaaf.
  • Ons presteer op alle terreine, hoofsaaklik as gevolg van `n gemotiveerde spanbenadering, uitstekende fasiliteite en puik afrigting.
  • Die skool beskik oor `n volledige toegeruste rekenaarsentrum en volledige afrigtingsfasiliteite vir alle sportsoorte wat beoefen word.
  • Die skool word professioneel bestuur deur `n dinamiese beheerliggaam, hoof, onderwysspan en aktiewe betrokkenheid deur die ouergemeenskap.
  • Ons oud-leerlinge is waardige ambassadeurs van `n trotse , gelukkige en lojale skoolgemeenskap.


  • The school’s primary goal is to provide excellent and quality education to our community.
  • We strive to establish Christian values and norms for future development that forms the basis for life skills.
  • Through cultural and sport activities we try to develop and strengthen the learner’s character and health.
  • We acknowledge the achievements of the individual and groups.
  • Personal development and independent behaviour forms an integrated part of our guidance.
  • The school strives to be an effective organisation through strong leadership and commitment of all role players in our community.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


  • Derdepoort Primary School is a well-known and leading school that has notable status in the education – and broader community.  High education standards and quality education forms the basis of our success. A healthy balance is maintained between education, sport and culture.
  • We do well on all terrains, mainly because of our motivated team approach, excellent facilities and training.
  • The school has a fully equipped computer centre and has all reasonable coaching facilities for sport practises.
  • The school is professionally managed by a dynamic school governing body, principal and educators with active involvement by the parent community.
  • Our old learners are worthy ambassadors of a proudly, happy and loyal school community.



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